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- Registration for CMA courses in 2022
Registration for educations
Here you can sign up for this autumn's supervisor training Coaching and mentorship in the workplace (CMA) as well as mentoring training.
Coaching and mentorship in the workplace, CMA, is aimed for supervisors at employers and organizations which the City of Stockholm's labor market administration collaborates with. It is a training for supervisors in the workplace to develop in their role as supervisors. To create good conditions at the workplace in the reception of job seekers or students from the administration's activities.
For those of you who are employees in one of the labor market administration's operations and want more information, you are welcome to contact us via email address: cma@stockholm.se
If you become involved as a mentor in any of the mentor programs within the framework of Stockholm Mentor, you are welcome to take part in the mentor training!
Welcome to our CMA courses!